Thanks to Jayden Rosas for collecting arrows after every round! Archery salutes you!
Arts and Crafts
What a fun day of assorted arts and creative crafts. Josh made some incredible pouches, Isabella rocked the paracord, Baylee made a sweet cat collage, and Ivy Kate some super cool bracelets! A&C rocks!
Parker was our COD today for being an amazing teammate and letting everyone pitch!
Jacob Fields played like a true baller and outshot almost everyone today. Eh showed great sportsmanship in his games. Way to go, Jacob! #Realshootersgonnashoot
Basketball ADV
Riley Newton was the ultimate player today and played like a serious player. She killed it! #Bulls
The Dillard Dolls really impressed broadcasting today! Gabby Roa was brave and tried new things, conducting an awesome interview. Emily Wallace kept things up to date as broadcasting’s very own Meme Queen!
Reagan Wells was extremely polite today in period 1! Bear Lloyd caught 3 fishh and had F-U-N to the M-A-X in the process! Hadlee Jones was fourth period COD since she is and always will be a ray of light for everyone of camp! Charlie Genever-Watling was COD for period 5; he played cards with the older campers, bringing all ages together for F-U-N!
The football COD is Rocco Paul for his amazing leadership and teamwork. He did a great job motivating others to do their best. Rocco was also very helpful with setting up and cleaning up after class! Way to go, Rocco!
Jacob Fields did the dirty work today and plucked every disc out of the sky on D! Jayson Harper ran up and down the field and showed wild energy. Keith Duke came out ready to hustle and make it happen!
We had an awesome day in hiking. Our CODs were Mason Adams, Niko Rios, Chris Harms, Chance Reap, and Maddox Duane!! Y’all are rock stars!
Yeeehaw lacrosse loves shootin’ tootin’ Tuesday! Our COD was brand new to lacrosse but played like she laxed all day erryday! Emma Joyce, you rock our lacrosse socks!
Mini Golf
Samuel Olson was our COD for his persistence and consistency on each hole. His scores were always low! Awesome!
Gregory Genever-Watling clinched COD for literally transforming into the new Slim Shady and roasting me until my career exploded. #SickBarz
Rita Cohen, Carter Whetstone, and Samuel Olson all rocked the hoppers off of paintball. Rita showed courage, Carter faced a counselor one vs. one, and Samuel shot like a pro!
Rock Climbing
Grace was so brave today! She jumped right in and did great on Mt. Beau. Rock on, Grace!
We had so much F-U-N today in Camp Sweeney soccer! Our COD for his unstoppable skillz on offense and defense was Parker Reissig! Awesome job, dood! #grass
Soccer Ironman
Wow! What a wild day today in Ironman! Everyone was hustlin’ hard in the heat, but our COD, Jacob Fields, finessed the field! Special shout out to our PAs for playing with us. Y’all rock!!
Abby May was super helpful with our Bonner Babes today! Alex Hinojosa was and awesome helping hand at the pool today! Zander Worthen kept active all period! Julieta Marquez branched out to meet new people today! Keep it up!
Swing Dance
Jaxx killed it today in swing dance by hitting us with some Hamilton and the Spongebob remix!
Owen Kallenberg is our tennis COD for courageously competing against the mighty Ian Flyke in a lvl match!
We had so much F-U-N in tumbling today! Our COD is Jayson Harper! He was a great leader and taught everyone to tumble. Great job!
COD in VidPro goes to Eriana for her awesome costume and prop skills! Way to go!
Isaiah is our COD for today for demonstrating selflessness and service throughout adversity. You killed it!
A huge shout out goes to the world’s strongest woman in weightlifting, Ms. Ashley Robertson, for getting COD! She pushed herself to new strengths and even helped others as well! Also a swole recognition to Nick LeGrand for teaching the counselors how to push past the pain!
Today, we had yoga Wednesday instead of Friday! Our CODs are Zara and Ashtin for staying focused and in their zone! You go, girls!