Jacob Ottaway had great conversations with everyone today on the dock from the Brown Boys to the Simmons Sweethearts. Jude Walters has been a fishing rock star for three weeks now and we need to appreciate how awesome he is!!!
The football COD is Zaiden Lockett for giving it his all and making some amazing open field stops on defense. Way to go, Zaiden! And a special shout out to Devyn Starks for being Antman of the day! #Tastethefire
Micah Harrill started the week off in ultimate with high energy and some nice skillz! Good job!
Mini Golf
C.O.D. for mini golf was Emily Kennedy! She showed great enthusiasm and jumped right in on her first day in the class!
Shout out to Spencer Hankins for his bold walking as well as Julian Martinez and Damean Winders for their maturity and skill on the course!
Today was the start of our last week in tennis for the summer! Connor Hill was our COD for being enthusiastic and making great shots!
We had so much F-U-N on this rainy Monday! Our CODs are Jack Whalen and Fisher Smith for their awesome attitude and enthusiasm during Ships and Sailors! It was Aca-awesome! Great job, y’all!