Arts & Crafts
Braylon Williams worked so hard on his bracelet using his favorite colors keep it up Braylon! & Wyatt Brown had the best attitude and did an awesome job in art today! We love you Wyatt!
COD’s for basketball are Abby Monroe and Matthew Gorman! They both did a great job playing ball and overcoming adversity!
Challenge Course
We had a challenging day in challenge course at the zipline! We are nearly done with out spy training, and we are close to discovering who our rogue spy is. Shout out to our COD’s Ava Sessions, Dorian Carra, and Eliza Milne!
Cross Country
Clair Jones got to work in our 5k lake run this morning. Despite the mud, she powered through and encouraged everyone.
Matthew Wilson rocked both of the fish gloves ready go release any fish that he could.
Bella Anna Budde was HYPED to catch a fish, which was big enough for our Fish Fry Friday!
Emmett Kempka shared so many great stories while hiking today, and he even asked Maggie Welch to prom!
Lochlan Ambrogi did great, always being at the front, and found the coolest hiking stick!
Mini Golf
Liam Ray’s putting skills are absolutely outstanding. Don’t even think Tiger Woods could keep up.
Lucas Boling is our COD for rinign a new day with a great riflery class! Way to strike that bell! & Jonathan Savarese is our COD for his excellence of marksmanship, keep is up Jonathan!
Kush Kaur is the camper of the day. The whole period she diligently decorated her beautiful rocket!
Roller Hockey
Remi Heide was roller hockey’s C.O.D! He was carving up some good sportsmanship! Thanks Remi!
Skate park
Today’s C.O.D in Skate Park was Cali Jomsky! She was super encouraging and built confidence in the other skaters!
Caroline Sarver us our C.O.D for working so hard & enjoying the game #sharapora
Meier Turboff & Matthew Gorman are our tumbling campers of the day for their hard work & dedication to nailing a one man stunt & flip together for the talent show on Monday! Great work boys!!
Water park
James McClelland was injured but still got into the water to have fun!
Kayla Cates working and having lots of F.U.N!
Lauren Graham and Bella Hanna were CO’s in zumba today. Good Job on our pilates day ladies!