Our Camper of the day is Jack Genever-Watling! He followed all the archery rules and had a great time shooting!
Arts & Crafts
Will Blake did an awesome job in Arts & Crafts today! He made a super cool paracord bracelet and helped other campers with theirs. Yeah Will!
Owen Saunderson for great effort!
Baseball ADV
We had a great last day of Advanced Baseball! Moustapha Drammeh was our COD for chasing outfield his all game!
Basketball’s C.O.D’s are Jaden Wiswall and Kennedy Smith! Jaden took initiative today and jumped straight into hoopin’! Kennedy preserved through high blood sugar levels to play her best game of knockout #eat #savages2h
Boating & Canoeing
COD’s are Steven Knox and Savanah Davidson! Steven helped put boats away, and Savanah got in Lake Dealey for the first time ever!
Cross Country
Shout out to our camper of the day, Alex Hinojosa! He had the mommmiest walk on friendly Friday and really got his hips and arms into it.
Kennedy Wallace took on the first Sweeney minnow stomach emergency surgery, proving she has a promising future available to her in the field of medicine
Daniel Newth found cathing fish easy today, so he decided to give his luck to others! Helping them catch fish instead!
& Mitchel Rainford was a fantastic photographer today and caught a couple fish himself!
Our COD of the day in Frisbee did a spectacular job! He was running VP and down left and right! Mr. Rooster Castle-McClelland!!
Aiden Abeita got COD in Rocketry today for his awesome launch and help in recovering the rockets. Thank you Aiden!
Roller Hockey
Today’s campers of the day was everyone from Simmons cabin for leading a huge clean up service project!
1st period: Eli Nathan is our COD for helping come up with new and fun things to shoot! Thanks for the creativity Eli!
3rd period: COD is Jett Wiswall for his determination and prevention of jambs today! Great job Jett!
Riflery ADV
Zak Emigh is COD for his help running the class today! You made it easy today!
Skate park
Aiden Abeita was COD for his positive encouragement benefiting other campers!
& Brittany Delay for setting the Sweeney Ninja Warrior record!
Kaylee Gonzales & Georgia McCullough are campers of the day in 2nd period swimming for helping get everyone involved by playing sharks and minnows. Eliza Milne is the camper of the day for 3rd for playing with everyone in the bay. & Brylie Woodbury won camper of the day for 4th period for being so encouraging!
Camden Caldwell was a monster on the court today. #beastmode
Lane Crochet is our tumbler of the day for his great efforts all class period and even battled through a bloody nose. Great job today, Lane!
Lucia Thomas got camper of the day for her awesome dance moves in our music video!
Rita Cohen did an amazing job not being afraid to dive for the ball during mud volleyball today! Amazing effort!
Gavin Powell had so much fun sliding and jumping on the trampoline today! Thanks for positive energy Gavin!
& Logan Watterson was super nice and let 2 people go tubing before him and had tons of fun! Way to go Logan!
COD is Alberto Rios for working hard the entire time and having lots of F.U.N!
Kennedy Smith and M Musial worked hard and earned our camper of the day awards! Amazing week ladies!