The COD for archery is Owen Saunderson! He did an amazing job shooting his arrows and having an overall great attitude.
We had an awesome water balloon Wednesday at Baseball! Will Eckman was our COD for hustling all period!
Baseball ADV
Mason Adams is our COD for his admired advocacy today! #scallybrokethetractor #freegrimmer
Today’s CODs for basketball are Tyler Stanford and Maddox Duane! Tyler brought the sauce and Maddox was playin’ hard and hustlin’! #toomuchsauce
Basketball ADV
ADV Basketball’s COD is Rocco Paul! Rocco was all over the court, leading his team by example. #nodaysoff
CODs are Camden Caldwell for guiding the hosts through period 1 and Mara Matthews for great work with her first time hosting!
Cross Country
Kenley Kieschnick was awesome this #warpaint Wednesday! She got covered in paint and had so much fun running around to the different classes.
Andres Rios was such a friendly hiker in morning hiking class! He shared his hiking sticks and offered to carry everything! Kaylee Gonzalez was our awesome hiker of the day in the afternoon! She had so much fun splashing down with water balloons on Wet Wednesday.
Rebecca Land is our COD for her patience and following all of the range rules! Thanks for making today easy Rebecca! Jett Wiswall is our COD for making this whole week wonderful! Thanks for hanging out with us Jett!
Riflery ADV
Kennedy Kesterson is our COD for advanced riflery! She shot the shotgun and rifles today for the first time! Way to go, Kennedy!
Rock Climbing
Our COD is Kennedy for having an awesome climb after a year away from the ROCL wall. Awesome skill, Kennedy!
Kaylee Gonzalez was focused the entire time, using every second to decorate her rocket. Her calming presence helped everyone else stay focused.
Roller Hockey
Jack Genever-Watling was today’s COD for playing hard and keeping up the class pace! Georgia McCullough was today’s COD for her great play and defensive work!
George Silva is today’s COD for his bravery and respect of other’s space! Great job, George!
Katie Jones brought the F-U-N to the M-A-X this morning. #waterballoons
Nate & Tyler Smith are our terrific tumblers of the day today for their consistent energy and drive to learn new skills!
Dylan Oquin conquered his fear of going fast on the jet ski today and had so much fun with it! Owen Kallenberg flipped on the tube 3 times today and loved it! Aubrey Rowe was super energetic today and loved tubing and jet skiing with her friends!
COD is Zack Schroer for having a great workout! Honorary mention to Katie Jones for the hardest worker in the class.
Marissa Gold and Lauren Wells rocked it today doing yoga. Congrats ladies!!