Emmett Kempka was extremely helpful today in setting up the archery range for everyone else to have some F-U-N to the M-A-X, making him a most valuable COD!
Arts & Crafts
Miss Avery Clark was a tremendous help and absolutely positive and creative light in arts and crafts today. Great work! Miss Meagan Paxton demonstrated immense creativity and kindness today. Great job, Meagan! Sydney Barrett is our COD for working independently and diligently the entire period on her artwork. #pleasemakeacomic
Arts & Crafts Adv.
Mr. Lucas Boling displayed both a crafty and selfless heart in A&C today. Keep it up, Lucas!
COD is BJ Morris for hitting an in-the-park homerun and scoring a RBI!
Baseball Adv.
Aaron Ackles is COD for playing under the weather and hitting some dingers!!
COD Max Appleton made sure to work on every aspect of his game today: dribbling, passing, shooting, and more! He even pushed his limits with some free throws! Awesome job, Max!
Basketball Adv.
COD Dominic Johnson was killing it as a power forward this morning! He grabbed about a million offensive rebounds and did a great job finishing around the rim. Way to go, Dom!!
Boating and Canoeing
Rachel Johnson overcame her apprehension about boating and had a great pirate Tuesday! Piper Bice was a super enthusiastic pirate and was super kind to others! Great job, Piper!!
Today’s broadcaster of the day is Taybor Wojahn for coming prepared with his segment and starting a new one too! COD is Lochlan Ambrogi, for doing his awesome random thoughts segment!!
Challenge Course
We had a zip-tastic day at the zipline challenge course today! Shout-out to our fearless COD’s, Caden Joyce, Adam Dupont, and Tess Allen!!
Cross Country
COD Garrett Hicks did an amazing job powering thorough the lake run and inspiring his fellow runners to keep going. Congrats, Garrett!!
Disc Golf
We had a great first day of the Sweeney Open! Shout-out to our COD’s, Jonah Vieira, Maya Cidale, and Connor Bryant for starting strong!
Today’s COD is Cooper Shackelford for his amazing enthusiasm and sicko-mode skills!!
Mini Golf
Jacob Cerrone sent an impressive put home with a hole-in-one. His patience and determination paid off!!
Paintball Combat
We had a tricky Tuesday in paintball today! Our COD’s are Madi Austin, for being so helpful, and Aidan Iglesias for leading the blue team! Way to go, everyone!
Paintball Jr.
Maddox Duane had an incredible day in riflery. He was super enthusiastic about shooting as many rounds as possible!
Today’s COD is Whit Deckard, who made major progress on his rocket as we work with the short week!
Roller Hockey
Johnny Meyer earned COD for facing the world alone and showing off some dazzling moves on the ice!
Hudsen Ginty showed amazing bravery today on the sk8 ramps! Way to get right back at it!
We had an F-U-N day in soccer today! Playing half-field was awesome and Henry’ianna Bruce played awesome today! Way to go!
Soccer Ironman
Today’s COD is Levi Battershell for being a true soccer star, lighting up the field with his perseverance and determination!
COD is Wynn Behnke from Brown Town for some very enthusiastic swimming! Bonner’s Cierra Thompson is COD for going down the slide all by herself with no floaties! Maci Hayley was named COD for super speeding across the wibit for the first time ever! Allie Branger, the lovely Leonard Lady, had the most F-U-N in the S-U-N today!!
Swing Dance
Swing low sweet swing dance, Ellie Goodman is our COD! She danced her heart out all class with the best energy!
Brett Marsh is our COD for always bringing the energy and positivity! We appreciate you, Brett!!
Ultimate Frisbee
COD goes to Garrett Hicks for making a sick slick catch and keeping high energy after feeling low. Aidan Abeita gave 110% today, racking up points for his team. He was also a team player, making sure to complete passes to all of his teammates!
Video Production
Today’s COD for showing wild enthusiasm and dancing the day away. is Johnny Meyer!! Great job, Johnny!
Whit Deckard rocked it on the court today! His attitude and effort were unMATCHable! #govolleyball
Today, Kylie Stubbs did great in weightlifting. She did an intense sprinting workout with blown-out shoes! #sweeneyswoldier