Today in archery we had a new camper who had never shot before win COD. He didn’t have a great start, but he kept shooting & shooting. By the end of the class this man was hitting bullseyes with ease. Great work, JaRon Lee!
Arts & Crafts
Sam Killian did amazing today in arts & crafts. She not only was so positive & creative, & that’s why she is our period 2 COD! We love you, Sam! Hayes Edwards was artsy today! He is our period 3 COD because he is the perfect balance of artsy crafty, crazy, & hilarious! You are the best, Hayes!
Today’s COD in baseball was Ben Morgan! He was an absolute stud at the field. He was having some real F-U-N!
Ezra Goldscheider was a true Brown-town BALLER today in basketball! He wasn’t only. being a leader, but bringing amazing energy as well! Gooo Ezra!
Boating & Canoeing
We had a flip-tastic Monday in boating & canoeing & Amelia Stokes was a champ in bringing in the boats & bringing the positivity. In our second small but mighty period, Colt Aja was such a team player and encouraging all our campers. He also showed such great balancing skills. Way to go, Captains!
Kicking off week 2 broadcasting was period 1s COD, Maddie Knippa! She did great talking about perceptions people have of type 1 diabetes, and she gave a great example to the other broadcasters, of how to do a segment on air. Period 2 COD was Caelan Kochenower, who gave us all a blast from the past by talking about old Sweeney classes. He did a great job and taught us all a little Sweeney history, too! Way to go!
Challenge Course
1)Sebastian Freire stood out for his inspiring courage and confidence. Congrats on COD! 2)Leslie Luedke helped friends and did an amazing job at CC, way to go COD!
Today’s COD for 1st period fishing is Dylan Bush (aka “Dush”)! Dush reeled in the biggest bass of the summer so far at a whopping 4.5 lbs! Within the first few minutes no less! Way to go, Dush!
Fishing Pro
Today’s 2nd period pro fishing COD is Gunar Freeman! Gunar not only was one of two to catch a fish, but was super helpful with showing our new fishers how to cast! Keep up the great work!
P1:Today’s COD, Karishmeh Bhardwaj, did a great job meeting people and starting conversations on this meet-each-other Monday. Great job, Karishmeh! P3:This COD started off their second week of hiking with another great meet-each-other Monday! Zella Stricklin had great conversations, made some awesome hiking friends, and didn’t let the heat slow her down! Way to go, Zella!
Our COD Ella Renegar learned how to play frisbee at the beginning of the beginning of the session and was dominating by the end! Great JOB, Ella!
Today’s COD is Elliot Derington! Elliot was a pro LAXER on the field. He made some great assists, showed amazing teamwork and was a great player on the field. Congrats, Elliot!
Riflery Advanced
Dae Dae Lake did great today with the rifles. However, he truly excelled with a shotgun. Today he learned everything he needed to know about a shotgun & showed off his impressive shot!
Our COD of the first day of rocketry goes to Ben Delhougne. He was a team player and made sure to help out his fellow rocketeers. Plus, he did amazing work with his decoration of the rocket!
Roller Hockey
Today’s COD for roller-hockey is Ethan Edgar! Ethan did amazing on his 1st day and scored 6 goals, leading his team to victory!
Today’s COD for skatepark is Leslie Luedke! Leslie hopped on the skateboard for the 1st time & instantly took to it! Great job, Leslie!
Our 3rd period COD for swimming is Asher Green! Asher is a rockstar on the wibit! Great job!
Today’s COD is Jackson Crowe! Jackson looked like Federer on the court, even though it was his first day playing. Jackson really brought
the energy and aced the day!!
Water Park
Congrats to COD Ava Pampell for zooming down the
slide for the first time! Go first timer!
Today’s 3rd period COD for weightlifting was Hank Martiny!! He was simply an animal out there with a fever for new lifts. Just like the Mongols, Hank was fearless and ferocious out there. Great work!! Today’s COD for 4th period was Henry Hoffmann! He was a great role model for a younger camper and showed him a few trades! Reminded me of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon #maytheforcebewithyou!
Angel Powell our zumba COD has been consistently bringing the energy and excitement. Today she jumped right into our Christmas in July themed songs and went all out! Merry Xmas (in July), Angel!