To ensure that PFC Life! remains tailored to our current campers, we use a verified texting system to distribute PFC Life! details. After campers, or parents on their behalf, sign up for this system they will be able to RSVP and receive the location of PFC Life! events.
Each location has a unique keyword that must be used in order to sign up for PFC Life! events. The keywords are:
PFCLifePlano – Plano, Allen, McKinney area
PFCLifeDFW – Fort Worth, Lewisville, Coppell area
PFCLifeDallas – Dallas area
PFCLifeAustin – Austin area
Now you are ready to sign up for PFC Life! by following these steps:
Step 1: Save the number 24587 to your phone as “PFC Life!”
Step 2: Select the area you plan to attend from the locations above
Step 3: Text your PFC Life! keyword and full name to 24587
Example Text: PFCLifePlano Calvin Beagledorf
Step 4: Check your messages in the days leading up to your PFC Life! event and RSVP to receive the location address