Archery Jackson Kasson was our Archer of the Day! He was on point with his bow shots. He absolutely nailed the balloons and helped contribute a lot to the splatter…
Welcome to Camp Sweeney! Your camper’s news will appear here. See all camper news by going to the menu and selecting CS News. CS News begins tomorrow night!
Arts and Crafts COD is Miss Havel Hall. Haven was an absolute shrinky-dink superstar! Keep it up! Arts & Crafts Adv. Georgia McCullough was AWESOME today crafting her heart out…
Arts and Crafts Period 3: Miss Jillian Kornegay was awesome today, having F-U-N and crafting it up! Great work! Period 4: Miss Taylor Phifer is COD in arts and crafts…
Welcome to Camp Sweeney! You will find CS News specific to your camper here on the app. Click on the app menu to see all of the CS News…
Archery Our camper of the day today was Jayden Carroll!!! First day in archery and she rocked it! Way to go Jayden! Arts & Crafts Kayla Cates is an awesome…
Arts and Crafts Reese Brackeen worked so hard on her dream catcher and I hope she catches some big dreams! Mikayla Dohmann made the most beautiful dream catcher and has…