Archery COD, Harper Panitz, had an incredible day in archery. She made some incredible shots while also keeping other campers motivated while she was waiting for her turn….
Welcome to Camp Sweeney! Your camper’s news will appear here. See all camper news by going to the menu and selecting CS News (available on the 365 app as…
Advanced Riflery COD in Advanced Riflery was Connor Bryant. In another fantastic day at the range, Conner tore it up shooting skeet!! To prove it he even hit his first…
Welcome to Camp Sweeney! Your camper’s news will appear here. See all camper news by going to the menu and selecting CS News (available on the 365 app as…
Archery Today’s COD in Archery is Seth Hoppenstein who showed a lot of improvements in his sharp shooting and tried new things to sharpen his skills as well. Seth was…
Archery 2nd period Archer COD is Emily Johnson! Emily shot some flaming arrows today and popped some special balloons! She showed a lot of improvement in class and…
Welcome to Camp Sweeney! Your camper’s news will appear here. See all camper news by going to the menu and selecting CS News. CS News begins tomorrow night!
Arts & Crafts Our camper of the day in 1st period, Meric Mosley, was super excited about arts & crafts today and made a great shrinky dink! In 2nd…
Archery Kyran Goolsby is the archery camper of the day! He helped another camper that wasn’t feeling well and overall is an awesome student! Arts and Crafts 3rd period…
Arts and Crafts The camper of the day for 4th period Arts & Crafts goes to Wynn Behnke for pushing through a tough craft and having an awesome result!…